Hello fellow bloggers,
It has been awhile since I have given information about the farm. Well, I was really hibernating now I am coming out of the warm house to the warmth of the outside to get to work. Of course, I had to work in the cccccooooollllddd weather this winter but I am so glad to see the sunny days. Our Spring Break Youth Garden Workshop was a hit with all ages. We had a ball learning how to market our produce from our garden and also learning to turn that produce, fruit, and herbs into a value-added product. Then we went to work on our Lasagna Garden which is basically composting in a bed.
1. Newspapers/Cardboard to suppress the weeds.
2. Food scraps from your kitchen but no meat products.
3. Leaves, grass clippings, mulch.
4. Composted manure
5. Soil from the area if needed to cover up excess food scraps.
I am looking forward to doing this on a continuous basis during the spring and summer so give me a call if you would like for me to do a workshop for your youth.
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